Let's connect and expand horizons

Further roll-out in The Netherlands with Arriva trains in the provinces of Friesland and Groningen.

e-TSAP conference in Dublin, hosted by NTA Ireland. See for more details: the e-TSAP page.

A major milestone has been achieved: the go-live of the cross-border project between the regions of Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany) and Province of Limburg (The Netherlands). It is now possible to travel with the Glimble app towards Köln and vice versa it is possible to travel with the Naveo app towards Maastricht. In order to achieve this, the ACCEPT.ROUTER is being used. Coming year the further roll-out is to be expected.

JUNE 2024
Further roll-out in Province of Limburg with all busses and trains from Arriva.

APRIL 2024
e-TSAP conference in in Maastricht (The Netherlands), hosted by the Dutch Province of Limburg and ACCEPT.INSTITUTE. See for more details: the e-TSAP page.

MARCH 2024
Go-live of ACCEPT.ROUTER within the cross border train corridor of Maastricht-Heerlen-Aachen. Usage of Glimble app and Translink Generic Backoffice.

e-TSAP conference in Oslo (Norway), hosted by Entur and Jernbane-direktoratet. See for more details: the e-TSAP page.

Both Arriva and Translink decided to support (also financially) the further development and roll-out of the ACCEPT.ROUTER.

JULY 2023
The Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Watermanagement awarded ACCEPT.INSTITUTE a contract for the further development and roll-out of its international router infrastructure. The contract runs until end of 2025.

JUNE 2023
The Supervisory Board of ACCEPT.INSTITUTE is very pleased to announce that Claus Rehfeld Moshøj has accepted to take over as Chairman. Claus has been on the Supervisory Board since 2018. The Board would like to thank Arco Groothedde, who in the last 4 years led the Board through the challenging period of Covid.
Claus Rehfeld says that: “I am very honored by the trust that the members of the Supervisory Board have put in me. It is a very exciting time at ACCEPT.INSTITUTE. ACCEPT is rolling out its breakthrough Router Technology. At the same time, knowledge sharing and networking within the European public ticketing companies is more important than ever. I really look forward to driving these two important agendas forward together with the board, Roel Testroote and his great team.

2018 - 2022

  • December 2022: go-live of the cross-border project in the Aachen / Maastricht area with pre-paid tickets.
  • October 2022: Contract from the province of Zeeland (The Netherlands) for the development of a TOMP-functionality (many-to-many) in the ACCEPT.ROUTER.
  • September 2020: Mr. Claus Rehfeld Moshøj has joined the Supervisory Board of ACCEPT.
  • July 2020: Mr. Peter van Dijk has joined the Supervisory Board of ACCEPT. He is currently the CEO of Translink in The Netherlands.
  • April 2020: Contract to implement the ACCEPT.ROUTER for the easyConnect project in Germany, region Nord-Rhein Westfalen, Aachen.
  • December 2018: ACCEPT.INSTITUTE signed a Letter of Intent to further roll out the ETC concept and systems with its partners Translink (The Netherlands), Arriva (The Netherlands), VDV-ETS (Germany), AVV (Germany), NVR (Germany) and ASEAG (Germany).