Let's connect and expand horizons
The ACCEPT.ROUTER originates from the European Travellers Club project, funded by the European Commission as part of the Horizon 2020 Transport Programme.
ACCEPT.INSTITUTE was one of the partners in the project, together with the Aachener Verkehrsverbund, ASEAG, Nahverkehr Rheinland, Deutsche Bahn, VRS, VDV-eTS and the Kompetenzcenter Digitalisierung NRW.
The ACCEPT.ROUTER was being used in the cross-border MaaS Pilot (one of the 7 MaaS pilots in The Netherlands) between 2020 and 2023. In this project, awarded by the Province of Limburg and Zuid-Limburg Bereikbaar, Arriva acted as the project lead. Other partners in the project were eg. Translink and Ximedes.